Claire Keelagher (nee Comer) sadly passed away at the age of 36 years on the 10th January 2024 only six months after being diagnosed with Krukenberg cancer in September 2023. Claire was a much-loved wife and mother, to her young son and bereft husband Martin miss her every day as does her mum and dad and all family members, friends, and colleagues.
Krunkenberg Tumours are a metastatic malignancy of the ovary characterised by signet ring adenocarcinoma that primarily arises from the gastrointestinal site in most cases.
Krukenberg tumors are most commonly metastases from gastric cancer, particularly adenocarcinoma, or breast cancer particularly invasive lobular breast carcinoma, but they can arise in the appendix, colon, small intestine, rectum, gallbladder, and urinary bladder or gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas. They are most common in the female population between the ages of 27-65 years. Krunkenberg tumours are very aggressive and therefore early diagnosis is crucial.
Claire’s Wishes has been launched in order to raise awareness and provide support for people affected by Krukenberg Tumours.
Our focus is to raise awareness of the symptoms of Krukenberg cancer, to help speed the diagnosis to improve better outcomes, sadly, very often the diagnosis comes too late.
We aim to help people identify the symptoms so they can ask GPs as early as possible for diagnostic tests.
Raise awareness of the symptoms amongst GPs and specialists to help avoid losing precious time through misdiagnosis.